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Halo Infinite Credits (Global)

500 Halo Credits

500 Halo Credits

-7.4% Rabatt

4,60 EUR

4,26 EUR
1000 Halo Credits

1000 Halo Credits

-7.3% Rabatt

9,20 EUR

8,53 EUR
2200 Halo Credits

2200 Halo Credits

2000 + 200

-7.3% Rabatt

18,40 EUR

17,07 EUR
5600 Halo Credits

5600 Halo Credits

5000 + 600

-7.2% Rabatt

46,00 EUR

42,67 EUR
11500 Halo Credits

11500 Halo Credits

10000 + 1500

-7.2% Rabatt

92,00 EUR

85,35 EUR

Halo Infinite: Master Chief's Legendary Return

Expanded Scenario, Groundbreaking Multiplayer Experience

The Halo franchise is making a legendary comeback! Master Chief's return with a larger campaign meets a groundbreaking free-to-play multiplayer experience.


The legendary Halo franchise returns with the largest Master Chief campaign ever and a groundbreaking multiplayer experience that's free to play.


Halo Infinite introduces players to the Forge AI toolkit. This toolkit breathes new life into community-created experiences, giving players the chance to harness the power of the campaign AI. You can collaborate with the AI or fight against it. The flexible implementation opens up endless possibilities for creating exciting new Halo experiences!

New Game Mode: Extraction

Halo 4's Extraction game mode returns in Halo Infinite, designed and tuned for social and competitive gameplay! Extraction is an experience that offers the pinnacle of intelligence, speed and teamwork. Get ready to deploy, protect and prevail!

Now it's your turn

When all hope is lost and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, Master Chief is ready to face the fiercest enemy he's ever faced. In Halo Infinite, it's time to don the armor of humanity's greatest hero for an epic adventure and explore the massive scale of the Halo ring!

Get ready for Master Chief's legendary journey in Halo Infinite.

What are Halo Credits?

Halo Credits are the in-game currency that allows players to purchase personal customization items, power-ups and other consumables. They can also be used to purchase unique seasonal Battle Passes that are valid indefinitely. Create your own custom Spartan and prepare for battle in Halo Infinite Multiplayer!

You can get Halo Credits quickly and securely on lotkeys.com. By purchasing Halo Credits you can own many items in the game and customize your experience.

You can restart Halo Infinite for Halo Credits to appear in your account. Lotkeys.com offers players a reliable and fast way to get Halo Credits. Remember, you can choose lotkeys.com to prepare for the battle and enrich your experience!

Halo Infinite Credits (Global) Kommentare

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